Sentry Platform Potential Client Secret Exposure (Low)


What Undercode Says:

This article describes a potential vulnerability in Sentry versions prior to the next release that could expose a Client ID and Secret for application integrations in the event of a specific error message.

Here’s a breakdown of the key points:

Impact: An error message might include Client ID and Secret in the response, but doesn’t grant direct data access. An attacker would additionally need a valid API token.
Severity: Low. While credentials might be exposed, additional information is needed for exploitation.

SaaS Users: No action required, single incident addressed.

Self-Hosted Users: Search for “select-requester.invalid-response” event to identify potential exposure. Consider downgrading or waiting for the next release.

Platform: Sentry
Version: All versions before next release
Vulnerability: Potential Client ID and Secret exposure in error message
Severity: Low
Date: Not specified


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